Event photo

Thank you everyone that came out to Indeed’s Tamachi office last week! We had a great turn out with lots of new faces. 🙂 And thanks to Indeed for hosting in the new beautiful office!

One of our speakers offered access to his deck to anyone interested over here on Github. Enjoy~ Speaker’s deck: https://github.com/lehelbabos/about/raw/master/decks/UIAnimation101.key

Ola, A smooth UI animation library. Ola UI animation library: https://github.com/franciscop/ola

One of our member’s personal projects, an Anki-inspired study tool. Anki-inspired study tool: https://core.cards/set/jlpt5

Tokyo Tech meet ups and events. Tokyo Tech meetups and events: https://tokyotech.com/

Don Norman wrote a few articles this month; One about empathy, and the other about user-friendly design. Don Norman’s article on empathy: https://theblog.adobe.com/why-i-dont-believe-in-empathic-design-don-norman/ Don Norman’s article on user-friendly design: https://www.fastcompany.com/90338379/i-wrote-the-book-on-user-friendly-design-what-i-see-today-horrifies-me

This month’s recommended pre-order book is “Jobs to be Done Playbook.” Jobs to be Done Playbook: https://rosenfeldmedia.com/books/jobs-to-be-done-book/

Tokyo Tech Meetup group on Meetup.com Tokyo Tech Meetup group on Meetup.com: https://www.meetup.com/tokyotechmeetup/

There are some cool exhibits at the Sony Ginza park. Like Wikitopia! Sony Ginza park: https://www.ginzasonypark.jp/e/

Design Notes is another way for Designers to collect inspiration. Design Notes: https://www.designnotes.co/

Several well-known prototyping services came out with updates recently including: Figma Plus, Protopie, Adobe XD, and Framer. Figma Plus: https://figmaplus.com/ Protopie: https://blog.protopie.io/protopie-3-10-faster-than-ever-before-figma-integration-9421501515c1 Adobe XD: https://helpx.adobe.com/no/xd/help/whats-new/2020-05.html

There is another cool exhibit happening at the Design Hub in Tokyo Mid-town.

If you want to take a walk down internet memory lane, take a look at the game Hypnospace.

Wikitopia exhibit: https://wikitopia.jp/visions/index_en.html